To keep ourselves and community safe our buildings are closed to the public. However, we are still here to assist with employment, education, training, and the support you may need to pursue your career and succeed in the workforce.

We will virtually guide you through the process. You are one click away from connecting with a Career Development Counselor.

Just click the APPLY NOW button, fill out the form, and a Career Development Counselor will virtually guide you through the process.

The Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) Adult Program provides workforce investment activities that increase the employment, retention, and earnings, and increase occupational skill attainment by participants, leading to economic self-sufficiency.

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Your future starts here.

Do you need training for a new job?
Help getting your GED?
Tuition assistance?

We Offer
  • Paid job & career training
  • Educational assistance
    (GED, HS Diploma, Post-Secondary)
  • Certification & Credential Options
  • Job search assistance
  • Tuition Assistance
  • Paid work experience
  • 16-24 years old
  • In school 16-21
  • Out of school 16-24
  • WA State ID holder & resident
  • Other eligibility criteria may apply
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People For People is an equal opportunity agency and provider of employment and training services. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. TTY #711

Serving Yakima, Toppenish, Sunnyside and Ellensburg
  • Home Office
  • 304 W. Lincoln Ave. Yakima, WA 98902
  • Yakima: 509-969-3447 or 509-907-3980
  • Toppenish: 509-902-3035
  • Sunnyside: 509-907-3967 or 509-424-0039
  • Ellensburg: 509-925-5311 or 509-907-3517

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Encuéntranos en
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Tu futuro comienza aquí.

¿Fuera de la escuela?
¿Necesitas ayuda para obtener tu GED? ¿Estás interesado en experiencia laboral pagada?

  • Trabajo remunderado y capacitación profesional
  • Asistencia educativa
    (GED, Diploma de la escuela secundaria, Post-Secondaria)
  • Opciones de certificación y credenciales
  • Ayuda para buscar trabajo
  • 16-24 años de edad
  • Fuera de la escuela
  • Tener identificación y ser residente de WA
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People For People es una agencia y proveedora de igualdad de oportunidades de servicios de empleo y capacitación. Las ayudas y servicios auxiliares están disponibles a pedido de personas con discapacidades. TTY # 711

Sirviendo a Yakima, Toppenish, Sunnyside y Ellensburg
  • Oficina Central
  • 304 W. Lincoln Ave. Yakima, WA 98902
  • Yakima: 509-969-3447 o 509-907-3980
  • Toppenish: 509-902-3035
  • Sunnyside: 509-907-3967 o 509-424-0039
  • Ellensburg: 509-925-5311 o 509-907-3517